Friday, January 4, 2013

How to follow my blog.

Not sure how to follow my blog?? Here's how: If you are interested in seeing my new posts, you can enter your email address in on the right hand side of the blog where it says, "Follow blog by email." Once you enter your email address a screen will pop up and ask you to enter the code shown on the screen (to make sure you want to follow the blog). You will then get an email for you to verify that you are signing up to follow the blog and there will be a link for you to click on. So what does following my blog mean? It means that when I post a new post to my blog you will get an email (only once a day and only if I post something new on that day). Following a blog makes it easier to see updates without having to remember to go back frequently to check and see if there are new posts. If you have questions about following my blog please feel free to leave a comment here. 
Erica Gower