Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fairfield Primary School

This is the school that I teach at, Fairfield Primary School. It is called, "The Little School with the Big Heart." The building itself use to be the high school a long time ago. Now the building contains six kindergarten classrooms, several preschool classrooms, a 3 year old program, and a before/after school childcare program. This building is filled with lots of energy and young children eager to learn. It is truly a fantastic place to go to work everyday.
Erica Gower


  1. Happy New Year and welcome to blogging! I love how your school is referred to....that is what teaching is all about: HEART. =)

    Be sure and add a follow button. Go to design at the top of your blog and then layout. Choose add a gadget and the follow button is the 9th choice.

    If you get the chance, I would love for you to hop over and visit me. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thanks Heather. I do have the follow gadgets so hopefully if you look at my blog again you can follow it. :)

  2. I am your first official follower Erica. You might want to consider moving your follower gadget to your sidebar where it is easier to spot. That is just a friendly suggestion. =)

    Hop over and visit if you get the chance. I shared a post last night about finding your heart and voice in the bloggy world. =)


    Heather's Heart

  3. Thanks Heather for being my first google follower and for the feedback (I did change the placement of that follow button).
